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Store Services
Curbside Pickup
Store Hours
Note: Hours for Services (Grooming, PetsHotel and Training) and Holidays may vary. Please see store details or contact the store for more information.
The following pets are permitted in PetSmart stores provided the pets are appropriately secured (leashed or safely confined) and vaccinated (as appropriate for the particular type of pet):
All other pets are considered non-traditional and are not permitted in our stores. Please see a store associate if you are unsure if your pet is permitted in our stores.
For the safety of all pets, pet parents, and store associates, non-traditional pets are not permitted inside any PetSmart store location unless the pet is a service animal under federal guidelines.
PetSmart considers a pet 'non-traditional' unless (1) it sells the same breed or type of pet; (2) it would allow adoption of the same breed or type of pet through an in-store adoption partner; (3) it sells supplies intended for the specific breed or type of pet.