Female Betta Fish

Item #4031750
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About this item

With their long flowing tails and vibrant colors, it's no wonder that bettas are one of the most popular fish for beginner aquarists. They are easy to care for and make a great ornamental addition to any desk, kid's room or living space. While female bettas are not as aggressive and can sometimes live together peacefully, male bettas are aggressive toward each other. Therefore, house only one male with smaller, peaceful fish in a community aquarium, or keep him alone.

Bettas gulp air from the water's surface to help them breathe. You will see your betta slowly swimming toward the top of your aquarium or bowl. They also tend to rest near the bottom. As carnivores, bettas eat mostly animal matter, including prepared foods and fresh, freeze dried or frozen foods. Choose a tropical flake or pellet food. Feed according to the directions on the packaging.

Name: Female Betta

Scientific Name: Betta splendens

Group information: Betta

Experience Level: Beginner

Housing: Tank Size - 3 gallons

Behavior: Aggressive towards con-specifics

Compatibility: One per community

Swim Level: Middle

From the manufacturer