The Clown Plecostomus has a large head with two beady eyes staring out from it. From there, the body slims down until it hits the caudal peduncle. Their dorsal fin is in the shape of a large sail, and their lyre-shaped caudal fin is also overly-sized. During the day the fish are inactive and will hide in holes or shaded areas, but in the evening the fish will start to swim and look for food. Most water types are suitable for the clown plecostomus, from soft acidic to hard and slightly alkaline. Some form of current and/or aeration is advisable. If the fish come out of their shelters during the day in search of food, it means that they are undernourished!
Name: Clown Plecostomus
Scientific Name: Panaque maccus
Group information: Small Plecostomus Species
Experience Level: Intermediate
Housing: Tank Size - 20 gallons
Behavior: Peaceful
Compatibility: Non-Schooling
Swim Level: Bottom