Halo uses WHOLE meat, never any "meat meal" of ANY kind in our natural dog food. Our grain free small breed dog food is made with premium protein for to support strong muscles, and fatty acids for skin and coat. We also have dog food options for other special diets, including puppy food, vegan dog food, and senior dog food. At Halo, WHOLE Makes a Whole Lot of Difference is the philosophy that drives our holistic approach to ingredient sourcing, recipes, nutritional value, the welfare of ALL animals, and our overall mission to change the way companion animals are fed and farm animals are raised for the better!
New packaging, same great chicken and salmon recipe for small breed dogsHighly digestible grain free wet dog food; provides the special nutritional needs for small breed adult dogsSmall breed dog food made with WHOLEchicken and salmon, and non-GMO peas and carrotsA small breed dog food formulated with premium protein to support strong muscles, healthy fat for energy and skin and coat support, and essential vitamins and minerals, plus antioxidantsNon-GMO vegetables and fruits, no artificial colors or flavors, no preservatives of any kind, BPA free cans
Food Type: Can
Food Consistency: Wet
Life Stage: Adult
Nutritional Option:
Complete and balanced nutrition with all essential amino acids100% plant based - no animal protein or dairyPlant-based protein from green peas and chickpeas
No grains and no artificial colors, flavors or preservativesMade with non-GMO vegetablesSmooth texture and super-tasty flavor, preferred by even picky eaters
Health Consideration: Vegan, Allergies, General Health
Flavor: Chicken and Salmon
Primary Ingredient: Chicken
Package Weight: 5.5 oz (156 g)