Keep your dog warm, dry and visible while the two of you are out on the trail together with this Arcadia Trail Ultra-Reflective Jacket. This jacket offers many features that should make it part of your dog's outdoor gear. Water-resistant, it also comes with a warm sherpa liner and an adjustable Velcro strap for a comfortable yet secure fit, as well as a waste bag dispenser pocket for easy, on-the-go clean-up. Best of all it is ultra reflective. In fact, you can use flash photography to reveal just how bright this beautifully designed jacket can get. Add visibility means added safety, making this a feature you can's do without. Only at PetSmart.
Includes: 1 Reflective Coat
Intended For: Dogs
Color: Available in two colors: Gray or Teal
Material: 87% Polyester, 7% Nylon, 5% Rubber, 1% Spandex. Exclusive of decoration.